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Q: Which group of invaders came from the north of Europe?
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What was the group of invaders that came in AD 700?

the mughals

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How did Hindi name came to existence?

Invaders from north came to river called Sindhu. That became bastardised to Hindu and Hindi. In fact Afghanis to this date refers to Indians as Hindi.

Which group came to north america for the same reason that the puritans came?

dutch merchants

Are Normans a part of Europe?

Some came from the north of Europe and went to France to the part now known as Normandy.

Invaders who changed Europe?

Fierce warriors called the Magyars swept into Europe from the east, attacking towns and destroying fields. From Scandinavia came perhaps the most frightening invaders of all, the Vikings. Europeans lived in terror of the Viking raids. Also Muslim armies poured into southern France and northern Italy.

Where were the invaders from?

The Saxon invaders of England came from the area now called Saxony, in modern Germany

Were cows brought to America?

Yes. The Spanish were the first people to bring cattle to North America from Europe in the late 1400's. The second group to bring cattle from Europe where English, Dutch and other later European settlers who came to North America over two hundred years later.

Who appeared in England first?

If you are asking about tribes, then invaders from Europe, vikings are documented widely, but I doubt if anyone can actually say who came first, it would be mostly guessword

Where were the immigrants from in the 1800s?

old immigrants in the late 1800s came from north western Europe

Which food came to Europe though the Columbian exchange?

Llamas, Guinea Pigs and turkeys were all animals that North America traded with Europe.Turkeys came to Europe through the Columbian Exchange.