

Which group of invertebrates live only in the ocean?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Which group of invertebrates live only in the ocean?
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What groups of invertebrates live only in the water?

sponge , starfish and octopus

Do sea turtles only live in the ocean?

Yes they only live in the ocean, they only come to land when they lay eggsANS2:No, they also die in the ocean...If you mean "do they live only in the ocean" that would be difficult to answer with a yes or no. The eggs are laid on land, and the adult females return to land to lay eggs. They live most of their lives in the ocean but they do not live only in the ocean.

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Narwhals only live in the Arctic ocean.

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if you mean "Do sharks live in the ocean?" Then yes sharks live in the ocean they can only survive in salt water

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Definetely the sea, Even if you took all the Insects (largest group of land dwelling invertebrates by far) and the plants, It would pale in comparison to the amount of flora and invertebrate fauna in the oceans. The Ocean is where Life began and it has more species diversity, quantity, and mass than double the invertebrates on the Earth's land.

Do octopus live in the pacific ocean?

Do octopus live in the pacific ocean?

Does the bird group has only invertebrates?

No, vertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone, invertibrates do not. Anything that has a complicated skeleton definitely has a backbone.

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no they live in the Atlantic ocean

Who lives in Antarctica and why do they live there?

improve at bottom The only animals that live in Antarctica are marine animals and they are the whales and penguins and some dolphins pass through the circle. The only people that live in Antarctica are scientists and they only live there for half a year at most. improve: scientist live there and they can only live there for 12 months and then need a 2 month break after that they can continue to live there for another 12 months and then have another 2 months break and so on and so on also animals live there which are; whale seal fish krill crab phytoplankton and other invertebrates. if all or the invertebrates died then all life forms living in the world in the ocean would ether become cannibals or die![sadly] Spell CheckNo spelling errors were found!

Does a jellyfish live in the open ocean?

No, they only live on the shores of the northern Atlantic and Pacific ocean. But I am really not too sure.

Are insects the the only invertebrates that can fly?

Correct,Insects ARE the only Invertebrates to evolve to fly!

Why penguin live in the Arctic Ocean?

No penguins live in the Arctic Ocean. They are only found in the southern hemisphere, around the Antarctic Ocean and other areas in that vicinity.