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the maya

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Q: Which had the larger city Inca Maya or Aztecs?
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Where were the Aztec and Inca civilizations located?

The Aztecs were in central Mexico and the Inca were in Peru.

What is the difference between the Maya and the Inca?

The Maya were smaller states. City states or small kingdoms. The Inca were a huge empire.

Who had roads linked to their capital city Incas or Aztecs?


What were 3 similarities and differences between the Aztec Maya and Inca?

Not only were the Inca people independent but they were on of the largest civilizations to date. and through all of societies latest advancements we can figure out how strong they were The Inca was an independent city state, where as the Maya and Aztecs weren't. They all had great technologies, but all of them had strong religions. ALSO (I only studied the Aztec and Maya): Similarities Differences -Build temples and sacrificed humans -Aztecs have very basic writing system -Both in Central America -Aztecs more into war -Believed in Gods -Aztecs didn't have money -Main staple of food is maize and corn -Mayans were academically advanced -Mayans were around longer

Which Indians had roads linked to the capital city Maya Inca or Aztec?

The Aztecs are known to have had a well-developed road system that connected various parts of their empire to the capital city Tenochtitlan. The Inca Empire also had an extensive road network, known as the Inca Road, which linked the capital city of Cusco to other parts of their empire. The Maya civilization, however, did not have a centralized empire like the Aztecs or Incas, so they did not have a similar road system connecting various regions to a single capital city.

Where were the Aztec and Inca located?

the Aztecs lived in the location of Mexico City before it was built

What city became the capital of the Inca Empire?

I think it was hunkapapa (spelling?) but it may have been aztecs...

Spanish conquered who first Inca Aztecs or Mayan?

I believe Aztec, Inca, then Mayan. Aztec 1521,Inca 1537,Mayan 1697(last independent Mayan city). Although the Mayas biggest losses were around 1524.

Did the Maya have the capital at the city of Tenochtitlan?

No, the Maya were separate city states, and Aztecs had their capital at Tenochtitlan but the Mayas were sometimes under a empire ruled by one of their city states but Tenochtitlan was never their capital.

Where are the Maya and Aztec empires located?

They are not located anywhere since they don't exist anymore. The Maya were centered in modern-day southern Mexico and Guatemala. The Aztecs greatest cities were a bit further north, near where Mexico City now stands.

What City Are The Inca Ruins In?

The Inca ruins are located in the city of Cusco, Peru. This was the capital city of the Inca Empire and is home to famous sites such as Machu Picchu, Sacsayhuaman, and Ollantaytambo.

What is the Inca capital city?

The capital of the Inca empire was Cuzco