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The side facing the sun.

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Q: Which half of the earth is the light side?
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Why is half countrys of the earth is day and half of the country of the earth is night?

Because the earth spins on it's axis with a sun on one side of the earth and the moon the other side of the earth and there is an imaginary line across half of the earth and which half gets on to the sun or moon side it is night and so that means the other half is day.

How is a half moon formed?

The Moon is there, but the side that's reflecting the Sun's light is facing away from Earth. As the Moon moves around Earth in its orbit, the light reflecting off the side of the Moon creates a sliver of shape. This is a crescent moon.

Why cant the whole moon be seen from earth?

A2. The Moon keeps one side locked towards Earth. Thus whether it were illuminated or not, we can never see the far side of the Moon.Incidentally, there is a marvellous movie of the complete Lunar cycle under Moon/Tidal effects in Wikipedia.A1. The sun casts a light on one side of the moon and the other side is a dark shadow. So if there is a half moon, for example, from earth, we can see half of the lighted side and half of the dark side, which makes it look like the moon is cut in half. Since the Earth rotates, we can see a different side every night, and that's how we can see more or less of the lighted side of the moon. For a new moon, Earth can see the whole dark side and none of the lighted side. For a full moon, Earth can see the whole lighted side and none of the dark side.

What is the light side of the moon and what is the darkside of the moon?

The moon never produces light on it's own, it's rocks reflect sunlight - the "light side" is the visible side which we see from earth. The "dark side" is usually invisible to viewers on Earth, except during a solar eclipse or if light reflecting off the Earth briefly illuminates the dark side (earthshine).

Why doesn't the sun shine at night?

The Sun shines all the time, but only one side of the Earth can face the Sun, and this constantly changes as the Earth spins. The Sun does not actually go around the Earth, but it seems to as the Earth rotates.At night, you are on the half of the Earth that is facing away from the Sun, so it is still shining, but on the other side of the Earth. You can still see some of the Sun's light at night, because it is the light that is reflected by the Moon.

Related questions

In what phase are the half of the moon facing the earth light up?

in the new moon, the lighted half of the moon is facing the sun and tha dark side faces the earth.

Why does the moon have a dark side but the earth doesn't?

Earth does have a dark side. When you are on that dark side it is called night. Both Earth and the moon get their light from the sun. Since they are both spherical and there is only one sun in our solar system, the sun can only light up half of each object at a time.

Why is one half of earth alway dark?

Half of the earth is always dark because the Earth is opaque and the side facing the sun blocks sunlight from reaching the other side of the Earth. If we were in a star system with multiple stars we might have a chance of having more than half of the surface of the Earth illuminated but as we only have the one sun we will always have day and night. Note that strictly speaking the dark side of the earth is not totally dark - it gets some reflected light from the moon most of the time and a tiny bit of light from the stars, not to mention all the anthropogenic light sources that get switched on at night.

Why is half countrys of the earth is day and half of the country of the earth is night?

Because the earth spins on it's axis with a sun on one side of the earth and the moon the other side of the earth and there is an imaginary line across half of the earth and which half gets on to the sun or moon side it is night and so that means the other half is day.

How can side of the earth dark and the other side be sunny?

The main thing to remember is that the Earth is a sphere. It's the same sort of shape as a basketball. The Earth blocks out the Sun so it can't light the side of Earth facing away from the Sun. A simple experiment: Take a ball and hold it to a light. The half of the ball facing the light will be lit up and the other side will be dark. Rotate the ball and different parts will now be light and dark. That's like what happens as the Earth rotates. That's why a place on Earth has day then night.

How is a half moon formed?

The Moon is there, but the side that's reflecting the Sun's light is facing away from Earth. As the Moon moves around Earth in its orbit, the light reflecting off the side of the Moon creates a sliver of shape. This is a crescent moon.

Why does half of earth experience night when the other half of earth is experiencing day?

The Sun is a single source of light. Therefore it can only shine its light on one side of the Earth at a time. The other side is then obviously dark. Try shining a torch on a tennis ball in a dark room. One side will by light and the other side will be dark.Apart from the dark and light part,there is also a part that is fairly dark known as the prenumbra. dark-umbra fairly dark-prenumbra

Why does full moon occur?

This happens when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun. The moon reflects the light of the sun, and because it is directly opposite, we can see half of it from the earth. This is the half that appears as the full moon.

Why earth is half overed with light and half in darkness everytme?

There's only one source of light that's strong enough and close enough to really light up the surface of the Earth and that's the Sun. And with only one light source, you can't have light on both sides of an object at the same time. When there's a full moon and clear skies, the moon will reflect light from the sun onto the otherwise dark side of the Earth, but that reflected light will be a lot weaker than the direct sunlight that the day side is getting.

Why do you have a day and night?

Because the earth rotates (spins). Half the time you are facing the sun (light/day). The other half you are on the side away from the sun (dark/night).

Why do you a day and night?

Because the earth rotates (spins). Half the time you are facing the sun (light/day). The other half you are on the side away from the sun (dark/night).

Why does the monn apppear to change shape as it orbits the earth?

The moon appears to change shape because only one half of it reflects the sun (because it is constantly facing the sun) the other is constantly dark (because it faces away from the sun). When the moon is full, it is because the light side is fully pointing at your part of the earth. When it is a half moon the moon is halfway through its rotation and the light and dark side are both half-half, so you only see a half moon as the dark side is invisible against a black sky. When you get a new moon it is because the dark side is fully facing you, and the light side is pointing away, giving the impression the moon isn't there at all. The quarter moons are between each half and depending on which only part of the light side can be seen, so only half is visible giving the appearance that part is missing.