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2d ago

Bromine will form a more polar bond with phosphorus compared to iodine. This is because bromine is more electronegative than iodine, resulting in a greater difference in electronegativity between bromine and phosphorus, making the bond more polar.

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Q: Which halogen bromine or iodine will form the more polar bond with phosphorus?
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Is bromine and iodine polar or non polar?

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A covalent bond will form between phosphorus and iodine. Phosphorus and iodine are both nonmetals, so they share electrons in order to complete their outer electron shell and achieve stability.

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Bromine is non-polar.

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Iodine (I2) is a nonpolar molecule because the two iodine atoms have the same electronegativity, resulting in a symmetrical distribution of electrons and no overall dipole moment.

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No, a bromine-bromine bond is nonpolar because bromine atoms have similar electronegativities. This results in a symmetrical distribution of electron density around the atoms.

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Iodine is nonpolar while cyclohexane is also nonpolar. Since like dissolves like, iodine does not dissolve in cyclohexane because both are nonpolar substances and do not have a strong enough attraction to each other to form a solution.

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Yes, ICl (iodine monochloride) is a polar molecule. This is because the chlorine atom is more electronegative than the iodine atom, leading to an unequal sharing of electrons and the creation of a partial negative charge on the chlorine atom and a partial positive charge on the iodine atom.

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They will form seven bonds along with all the other elements in that column on the periodic table.