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Q: Which has more atoms 10.0 g of oxygen or 10.0 g of calcium?
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How many molecules of oxgen are needed to react 100 atoms with all the magnesium?

If all the magnesium atoms are going to react, they will each need to combine with two oxygen atoms to form magnesium oxide. Therefore, for 100 magnesium atoms, you would need 200 oxygen atoms, which is equivalent to 100 oxygen molecules.

What percentage of the atoms are oxygen atoms of Na2SO4?

In Na2SO4, there are two oxygen atoms. The total number of atoms in Na2SO4 is two sodium atoms, one sulfur atom, and four oxygen atoms. Therefore, the percentage of oxygen atoms in Na2SO4 is 4 out of 7, which is approximately 57%.

How many grams of oxygen gas are required to produce 100g of calcium oxide?

The chemical formula for Calcium Oxide is CaO. The Atomic weigth of Calcium is 40.078. The Atomic weight of Oxygen is 15.999 The Molecular weight of CaO is therefore 56.077 Thus 100g of CaO would contain (15.999/56.077)*100 = 28.53041353852738 grams of Oxygen and (40.078/56.077)*100 = 71.46958646147262 grams of Calcium.

How many grams of calcium in 418 grams of Ca CO 3?

Calcium has Wt 40, carbon is 12 and oxygen 16, so the MWt of calcium carbonate is 40+12+3x16=100. As this contains 40 calcium, calcium carbonate is 40% calcium. 40% of 418 is 167.2grams

What is te percent of oxygen in C2H4O2?

In C2H4O2 (acetic acid), there are two oxygen atoms. To find the percentage of oxygen in acetic acid, we calculate the molar mass of the oxygen atoms and divide it by the molar mass of the whole compound, then multiply by 100 to get the percentage. This results in a percentage of approximately 40% oxygen in acetic acid.

If there are 100 different types of atoms then about how many different compounds could form if each compound contains 2 atoms?

If there are 100 types of atoms, then the number of different compounds that could form by pairing any two atoms is calculated by using the combination formula: C(100, 2) = 100! / [(100-2)! * 2!] = 4950 different compounds.

What is the percent composition of calcium hydrogen carbonate?

100%percentage is the same as grams so you just get the atomic weight and add them togetherex: Ca- 40, C- 12, 03- 48 (16+16+16)then add them all together to get the grams40+12+48=100 g or 100%

Is 100 aluminum atoms heavier than 100 led atoms?

No. 100 lead atoms are several times heavier than 100 aluminum atoms.

What are the 100 types of atoms?

There are not 100 types of atoms.

Which has more calcium broccoli or carrots?

Per 100 grams, raw, broccoli has 47 mg of calcium, while carrots have slightly less, 33 mg per 100 grams. They constitute five and three percent of your daily calcium needs respectively.

Why does magnesium burn more in oxygen that in air?

First off, it doesn't burn more, it burns quicker. This is because It's reacting with the oxygen, and in a 100% oxygen environment there's simply more oxygen to react with (the air is 21% oxygen).

What has more mass 100 hydrogen atoms 4 sulfur atoms or 1 lanthanum atom?

100 Hydrogen atoms have an atomic mass of 100.794, 4 Sulfur atoms have an atomic mass of 128.26, and 1 Lanthanum atom has an atomic mass of 138.90547.