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Q: Which has more atoms 12 grams of carbon or 32 grams of carbon?
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Are there more carbon atoms in 48g of CO2 than in 12 grams of diamond?

There are more carbon atoms in 48 grams of CO2 than in 12 grams of diamond

How many atoms in 12 grams of carbon?

Atomic mass of carbon: 12.0 grams12.01 grams C × (6.02 × 1023 atoms) / (12.0 grams) = 6.03 × 1023 atoms of CarbonNote that one mole of any substance is Avogadro's constant (6.02 × 1023) and that one mole of Carbon is 12.0 grams. So if you have 12.01 grams of carbon (roughly one mole) you should get about Avogadro's constant.

How do you measure form grams to atoms?

It depends on the substance. If you have for example, 12 grams of Carbon-12. Then you have 1 mole of carbon 12 which is 6.02 * 1023 molecules of the element, which is equal to 12 grams. One mole of a compound or element is equal to that element's atomic mass in grams.

How was Avogadro's number determined?

The exact number of atoms of Carbon-12 in a block weighing precisely 12 grams.

How the avogadro number was determined?

The exact number of atoms of Carbon-12 in a block weighing precisely 12 grams.

How does carbon -12 compare to carbon -13?

Carbon-12 and carbon-13 are isotopes of carbon (different atoms of the same element with same number of protons but different number of neutrons). Carbon-13 has 7 neutrons while carbon-12 have 6 neutrons. Both have 6 protons and 6 electrons.

What is the definitions of a mole in science?

a mole is the number of atoms present in twelve grams of carbon 12, the most common isotope of carbon.

What is being measured of avogadro's number?

One mole of atoms. The number of Carbon-12 atoms that are required to form a block that weighs precisely 12 grams. Roughly 6.02x10^23 atoms.

What is the mass of 1 mole of carbon atom?

We use the equation: Mass = Number of moles * Molecular or atomic mass Since the number of moles is 1 ("one mole of carbon-12 atoms") and the atomic mass of carbon-12 atoms is 12, hence the mass would be 12 grams. Note that the unit grams (g) is used here, as it is the SI unit for mass measurement. I hope this is useful! :)

What is the mass in grams of 100 atoms of the carbon 12 isotope?

100 atoms of C-12(12g/6.022x10^23) = 1.993x10^-21g

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How many mols of sodium are present in 45.48 g of sodium?

# of moles = Mass÷ Formula weight Example: 6 grams of Carbon atoms Carbon has an atomic mass of 12 grams so according to the Equation # of moles = 6÷ 12 = 0.5 moles For a compound such as CO2 , Formula weight = ( 1 mole of carbon atom weighs 12 grams + 2 moles of oxygen atoms weighs 32 grams ) 44 grams. Example: 24 grams of carbon dioxide = 24÷ 44 = 0.5454 moles So for sodium, # of moles = 45.48 g ÷ 22.99g/mole = moles You divide!