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Q: Which has the same number of electrons in the outermost orbit as aluminum?
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How many electrons are in the outermost orbit of neon?

Neon has 8 electrons in its outermost orbit. The outermost orbit, also known as the valence shell, can hold a maximum of 8 electrons. Neon is a noble gas and has a full valence shell, making it stable and unreactive.

The number of electrons in the outermost orbit of an atom of silicon?

Four, as with all other elements of Periodic Group 14.

An atom is stable when its outermost orbit is?

It is stable when filled with electrons.

What is the Outermost energy shell called?

Electrons in the outermost shell are called valence electrons.

How many electrons are in the outer orbit of silver?

C = 1s2,2s2,2p2 so the outermost (2p) orbital has 2 electrons in Ground State

When do atoms leave electrons?

Atoms do not leave electrons! Electrons leave from the outer orbit of an atom and join the outermost orbit of another atom when there is a chemical reaction involved between the two atoms .

What do the outermost electrons of an atom and inner electrons?

calculate the current due to revolution of electron in the outermost orbit of the Na atom, if the time period of revolution of electron is 2 micro second

Why carbon cannot lose or gain its electron?

It is not that way. Carbon gains electrons while a chemical reaction to have 8 shells in the outermost orbit. Though it has 4 electrons in the outermost orbit, it usually gains four electrons or shares four electrons while a chemical reaction. eg hydrocarbons methane butane propane.

How many electrons does a aluminum atom lose to form an ion?

an aluminum atom will lose the 3 electrons on its outer shell 2 for an aluminum ion.

Why metal is the best conductor of heat and electricity?

You have configuration of the elements. There can be eight electrons in the outermost orbit of the element. The metals have one, two or three electrons in the outermost orbit. So they want to give away those extra electrons. These are free electrons. These free electrons make the metals good conductors of heat and electricity.

What does valence electron mean?

a) Valence electrons means the electrons present in the outermost orbit of an atom. b) Valence electrons means the outer shellof an atom, which determine its power to combine with other elements.

What are the electron farthest from the nucleus called?

Electrons farthest from nucleus are valence electrons. They are present in outermost orbit.