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Q: Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can accept?
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Which header file should you include if you are to develop a function which can accept variable number of arguments?


Which header file is used to develop a function that can accept variable number of arguments?

.If you want to accept variable no of arguments then you have to include which of the following header files a) Vararg.h b) stdarg.h c) stdlib.h d) stdioh

What header file should be included if you are to develop a function that can accept variable number of arguments?

stdarg.h Before my original answer was removed and replaced with the above I suggested. Read the manual for your compiler the header files for each compiler are different. None of the compilers I currently use have a header file called "stdarg.h" but do have "varargs.h"

How do you correct the C plus plus programming error missing function header?

You need to #include the header file that contains the missing function's declaration.

What is the header file for swap function?

#include<stdio.h> Another answer: Nothing.

Which library header is to make sqrt function?

#include <cmath> // simple version #include <complex> // complex version

What is meant by function header in java?

That means, the header of a function. The header is the top part, before the opening braces.

How do you use cosine in c language?

Include the header file math.h and use the function acos(d)

What is header function definition in c language?

No predefined 'header' function in the standard C libraries. There are header files, if that's what you mean.

How do you create a user defined header file?

Header files are not much different from usual cpp files. There are basically two different things. It's file extension: you need to choose "header file" when you create it or save as .h file. Second is header files do not have main() function. When you are done with you header file do not forger to include it in your project by writing preprocessor directive:#include "your_header_file.h"

What is a header file and library function?

header files are predefined in c, they include the all necessary function to u to do your work easy instead of writing a function for printing a message or to read a input form key board we are using the library functions which are in the header files. there are different types of header files depending upon the requirement we use them.

Which header file must be included to use the function pow?

The std::pow() function can be found in the <cmath> header.