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Q: Which hemispherehas more land eastern or western?
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Which hemisphere has morre land the eastern or western?

The eastern one has more land. The western has more water.

Which part has more land western hemisphere or eastern hemisphere?

The eastern hemisphere has more land. The western one has more water.

What has more land area Western or Eastern Hemisphere?

the Eastern hemisphere has more land

Which hemisphere has more land western or eastern?

Eastern Hemisphere

What hemisphere has more water the eastern and western?

The western hemisphere has more ocean surface. The eastern hemisphere has more land surface.

Which hemisphere has more land The eastern or western Hemisphere?

I am pretty sure the east hemisphere has more land.

Which Hemisphere has more land the Eastern or Western?

The Eastern Hemisphere has more land than the Western Hemisphere. However, there is still more water than land in either hemisphere. The Eastern Hemisphere includes Australia, virtually all of Asia, and the great majority of Europe, Africa, and Antarctica. The land in the Western Hemisphere consists primarily of the Americas. They are the same size, but the eastern hemisphere has more land.

Which hemisphere has more land eastern or northern?

The northern hemisphere contains most of the land area of the planet, more than either the eastern or western halves of the globe. The eastern would contain only 60% as much land area as the northern, the western even less.

Which hemisphere has the most land in it eastern of western?

The hemisphere that has the 'most' land would be the northern one. From the list of choices allowed in the question, the eastern one is the one with more land.

Why do geographers study the eastern and western hemispheres more often than the northen and southern?

the southern hemisphere has more land \

Does the eastern have more western have more hemisphere?


Which hemephere has more land northern or southern?

The northern hemisphere has more land than the southern The eastern hemisphere has more land than the western