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Q: Which historical event best fits the theme of oppressed people standing up for recognition?
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What does that mean oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever?

When King states "oppressed people cannot remain oppressed forever" in his letter from Birmingham, he is stating that there is hope for his people. He presents himself as determined and trustworthy by having a plan- nonviolent protests.

How do you use oppressed in a sentence?

"The Polish people were historically oppressed under neighboring empires." "The principal oppressed the faculty with his constant criticism and bullying."

Can you put the word oppressed in a sentence?

Many times, a people has been a oppressed by an unfair ruler.

What leadership qualities does Nelson Mandela have?

being open-minded and bringing people of different thinking together.

Why the tyranny was bad?

No people should be oppressed.

Is oppressed a word?

It is a word and means 'to exercise authority is a cruel way

Do you agree with Paulo Freire in Pedagogy of the oppressed that an oppressed people have the power to free themselves and their oppresssors?

Paulo Friere is the author of the Pedagogy of the Oppressed. He wrote it in 1960 and it has been translated into many different languages, English being one of them.

Why did rights and freedoms begin?

People began to feel unfairly oppressed.

Who are the poor and oppressed during Jesus time?

People not being allowed

What were the feeling of the people who lived behind Berlin wall?

They felt oppressed.

Who described religion as the sigh of the oppressed creature?

Karl Marx "Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people."

Why include a Bill of Rights?

so the people are not oppressed by the idiotic government you imbicile