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Neural transmission is different and MORE rapid in myelinated neurons

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Q: Which impulses are faster myelinated or unmyelinated?
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What nueron conducts impulses faster?

Myelinated neurons conduct impulses faster than unmyelinated neurons.

Does an unmyelinated fiber conduct impulses faster than a myelinated fiber?


Does impulse travel faster along myelinated neuron?

Yes, impulses travel faster in myelinated axon rather than in unmyelinated. It is mostly due to nodes of Ranvier. Instead of travel along the axon, in myelinated axon impulses "jump" from node to node. Also there are two types of myelinated axons: type A and type B. (Type C in unmyelinated axon.) Type A is the fastest among all of them.

What impulse conduction is the fastest in neurons?

Axons conduct the nerve impulses. Dendrites receive the impulses. Possible the impulses go through the dendrites faster, though the synaptic cleft may slow this pathway. Dendrites are much shorter than axons.

At what speed are nerve impulses conducted in myelinated and unmyelinated neurons?

In thick well insulated (myelinated) neurones the impulse can travel in excess of 100m/s. In unmyelinated neurones the impulse can be conducted at less than 1m/s

What is a disadvantage of unmyelinated nervous tissue when compared to myelinated tissue?

Unmyelinated tissue is substantially slower in conducting impulses along the axon. With myelinated axons, the action potential (impulse) jumps from node to node greatly increasing the speed of the impulse.

What is the relationship between nerve size and conduction velocity?

velocity proportional to square root of diameter

What connective tissue cover myelinated or unmyelinated axons?

The connective tissue that covers unmyelinated and myelinated axons is called endoneurium.

What is the relationship between the degree of myelination and and conduction velocity?

That myelinated axons fare faster, unmyelinated are slower.

Can a myelinated axon have a larger diameter than an unmyelinated axon?

Unmyelinated fibers typically have smaller diameters than myelinated fibers.

Where do faster neural impulses occur?

They occur in insulated or myelinated axons.

Unmyelinated fibers conduct impulses more rapidly than myelinated fibers?

Other way, dude. Nerve fibers are just like electric wires. Just think of a Myelinated fiber as a wire with rubber on the outside, and unmyelinated with ought it. Electricity runs more efficiently through a wire that has rubber on it, and so do myelenated fibers, but with an added bonus, they are faster than their unmyelenated counterparts hope it helped!