

Which ingredients in raw food can change eye color?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Which ingredients in raw food can change eye color?
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How does honey change your eye color?

Honey does not change your eye color. It just tastes good.

Will a raw-food diet change your eye color?

yes it improves the pigments in your eye and will make your vision clearer

How can you permantely change your eye color?

You can permanently change your eye color by getting eye surgery

How can I change my eye color?

You can get contact lenses in a different color. You can not actually change the color of your eye balls.

What happens to your eye color if you eat raw food?

Eating uncooked food will not alter your eye's color.

The human eye interprets a change in wavelength as a change of what?

The human eye interprets a change in wavelength as a change in color. Different wavelengths of light correspond to different colors that are perceived by the eye.

How do you change your eye color?

Bad Idea to use food dye and toxic paint. You can get blind from it .-. Now if you want your eye color to be e.g blue instead of green then use contacts.

Can honey be used to lighten eye color?

Honey can not change your eye color.

Is the eye color physical or chemical change?

Eye color is a physical change, not a chemical change. Eye color is determined by the amount and distribution of melanin in the iris, which is a physical characteristic that can change over time but does not involve any chemical reactions.

How do you change eye color in a picture?

If you have programs on your computer that let you get rid of red eyes you could change the eye color by clicking the color you want.

What food changes your eye color?

eye colour is genetic, not food based Pizza

Why does your eye change color?

They dont