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Q: Which insect does not drink water?
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How do insect overcome the problems of dehydration?

they drink water, or their pee

What insect was found in sailors hair?

fleas because sailors needed ALL their water to drink not bathe

What are some hiking tips?

Hike in a group, drink lots of water, bring small snacks, bring insect spray, sunscreen, and a hat.

What do small lizards drink?

They eat small insects like flies, grasshoppers, crickets, small earthworms, basically any insect that can fit in his mouth. They drink non-chlorine water in a shallow dish so it wont drown.

What should I feed my damselfly?

they both drink dew or water droplets, the damselfly eats any insect that is smaller than itself. The dragonfly is the same, although sometimes it will eat an insect slightly bigger than itself

Do Christmas beetles drink water?

The Christmas beetle is found in Australia and are so named because they show up very close to Christmas. They do not drink water but they do get moisture from things they eat such as grasses and leaves.

Is the butterfly a insect of pray?

It cant't be because they only drink nectar and pollen. A spider is a insect of prey, though and you can see why

Is insect powder harmful to humans?

Yes! Don't eat it or drink it

What is a mojito an insect or a cocktail?

A Mojito is an alcoholic drink containing mostly Rum. A Mosquito is an insect found in almost every climate on earth.

How do insect walk on water?

the water is cohesion to the insects

Is a water strider a reptile?

No. A water strider is an insect.

What does a stick insect eat?

Oak leaves and blackberry vines and rose petals. Brambles and privet. Lettuce or Cucumber are said to be suitable, but your mileage may vary.rose or bramble leavesThey eat other smaller bugs like aphids.