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Q: Which institutional training course focuses on value attributes skills and actions needed for team leadership responsibilities at the rank of sergeant?
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What rank comes after lieutentant?

In most armies, it's Sergeant. Some armies are structured a little different, though. For example, the Canadian Forces has a "Master Corporal" rank which is equivalent to a US Army Sergeant, while the French equivalent is "Corporal-Chef", which comes between Corporal and Sergeant.

What is the leadership titles for military mos 25B30?

The '3' indicates skill level 3, which would be the rank of Staff Sergeant. A Staff Sergeant would be a squad leader, or a Staff Sergeant with seniority or who is close to promotion to Sergeant First Class might fill the role of Platoon Sergeant. They might also work as a staff NCO in a battalion/brigade/division/etc. shop, which wouldn't be a leadership position.

Does a first sergeant provide leadership?

Yes. Even though the position itself is largely administrative, a First Sergeant is very much a leader, being the senior NCO of a company.

What schools do you have to do to become first sergeant?

To become a first sergeant in the military, you typically need to attend specialized training courses such as the First Sergeant Academy, which is offered by each branch of the military. The academy covers topics like leadership, management, administrative responsibilities, and personnel management. Additionally, it may be required to complete other career progression courses and meet certain rank and time-in-service requirements.

The theme of the movie sergeant york?

Love your neighbor, work hard, and fulfill your responsibilities are the themes of the movie Sergeant York. He did his best serving in the military and his neighbors helped him when he came back from war.

What are the responsibilities of a company sergeant major in the british army cadets?

The responsibilities of a CSM is to go to the other platoons in the company and to check up on them make sure they're ok, teach a little, stuff like that

What principle of leadership does senior master sergeant Buchanan recommend to lieutenant colonel Sullivan?

Being visible to the troops more often

What is the E-8 specialist rank compared with sergeant rank?

The E-8 Specialist rank is not equivalent to a Sergeant rank. In the Army, the E-8 Specialist is a higher enlisted rank compared to the E-5 Sergeant rank. The E-8 Specialist is a non-commissioned officer with greater leadership responsibilities and experience.

Who is the sergeant on beetle bailey?

Sgt. Orville P. Snorkel is the long-suffering and competent sergeant in the "Beetle Bailey" comic strip. He is known for his tough persona and strict leadership style, often clashing with the laid-back and lazy character of Beetle Bailey.

Is Sergeant Major a rank in the Army anymore?

Yes, Sergeant Major is still a rank in the Army. It is the highest enlisted rank in the U.S. Army and is typically held by senior non-commissioned officers who have extensive experience and leadership skills.

What was Robert Benmosche's leadership style?

His military training certainly played a part in his leadership style; rather than let his troops create their own battle plans, Benmosche played the role of a hands-on sergeant who delineated exactly what to do and how to get it done

Who is in charge of the police station?

Police station are managed by custody sergeants, who are in charge of the station and there booking in of detainees. Custody sergeants have the same powers and responsibilities as the sergeant rank, and are simply sergeants installed in stations; where responsibilities adapt to the needs of the Police station.