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Q: Which internal part of body is purification of blood?
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What is the exchange of gases between the alveolar air and pulmonary capilaary blood?

From inside the capillary (where the red blood cells are), Oxygen will be given up to the body cell and this will be replaced in the red blood cell by Carbon dioxide from the body cell.

How does blood flow to the different part of your body?

our blood in found in type of oxygen and carbon dioxide.bloood is carried ti our heart from pipe like structure arteries which caarry oxygenated blood and veins which carry deoxygenated blood.then in hesrt purification of blood take place.

What is the largest internal part of body?

The largest internal part in your body well.................let's see...............when people mean part, sometimes that can mean an organ or a body part like a leg, arm, or head. The biggest internal organ in your body is your heart. The biggest internal part would probably be your muscular system or skeletal system.

Can gangrene grow on a dead body?

Yes, it grows on the part of our body where the body tissue dies and does not get enough blood from your circulatory system. Gangrene usually affects the internal organ.

Which part of the body blood do not enter it?

which part of the body doesn't enter the blood

Where is the blood in the heart going to?

Blood goes into the right side of the heart from the body then pumped to the lungs for purification( this is when oxygen is mixed with haemoglobin( a substance in the body) to make the blood cleaned, it is then pumped to the left side of the heart were it is transported to every part of the body, then the circulation starts all over again.............

What body part send blood up to your heart?

every body part you have sends blood to your heart

What carries blood to every part of the body?

Blood vessels carry the blood to every part of the body.

What are blood vessels woven into a body?

Blood vessels are not woven into the body, they are part of it.

How do the backbone and ribs protect the internal part of the body?


How do the backbones and ribs protect the internal part of the body?
