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L4 and L5 (in the lumbar region)

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Q: Which intervertebral disc is the largest?
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What is intervertebral Disc Displacement Lumbar?

An intervertebral disk in which the nucleus pulposus has protruded through surrounding fibrocartilage. This occurs most frequently in the lower lumbar region. Alternative terms: Intervertebral Disk Displacement; Disk Displacement, Intervertebral; Disk Displacements, Intervertebral; Displacement, Intervertebral Disk; Displacements, Intervertebral Disk; Intervertebral Disk Displacements; Intervertebral Disc Displacement; Disc Displacement, Intervertebral; Disc Displacements, Intervertebral; Displacement, Intervertebral Disc; Displacements, Intervertebral Disc; Intervertebral Disc Displacements; Disk, Herniated; Disks, Herniated; Herniated Disk; Herniated Disks; Slipped Disk; Disk, Slipped; Disks, Slipped; Slipped Disks; Disk Prolapse; Disk Prolapses; Prolapse, Disk; Prolapses, Disk; Prolapsed Disk; Disk, Prolapsed; Disks, Prolapsed; Prolapsed Disks; Herniated Disc; Disc, Herniated; Discs, Herniated; Herniated Discs; Lumbar is referring to the lower back L1-L5

What is displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy?

what is the treatment for displacement of lumbar intervertebral disc without myelopathy

How do you use Intervertebral disk in a sentence?

The intervertebral disc has undergone compression.

What are the name of the fibrocartilage pads between adjacent bodies of the vertebrae?

Intervertebral discs

What is discogenic disease?

Diseases of the Intervertebral Disc producing Backache.

The major function of the intervertebral disc is to?

absorb shock

What is a herniated or ruptured intervertebral disc also called?

It is popularly known as a slipped disc

What is a Bryan disc?

The Bryan disc is a flexible disc or ring of titanium and Teflon that is used to replace the intervertebral disc in patients with degenerative disc disease.

What classification does intervertebral disc disease fall under?


What is significant intervertebral disc space signal loss at C6-C7 with minor diffuse disc bulge?

Significant intervertebral disc space signal loss at C6-C7 is a nerve impingement which may be painful or cause loss of feeling. A minor diffuse disc bulge is a minor bulge of the affected disc.

Where is the intervertebral disc?

They have none since they don't have backbones which are comprised of discs.

Is the intervertebral disc made up of hyaline cartilage?

Mostly fibrocartilage.