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Q: Which invention do you think had the utmost influence on society?
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Which inventions do you think has had the utmost influence on society and why?


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Helpful. Tailors I think really liked the invention at the time.

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Prosthetic limbs have no influence over society but their owners do. Why the rest of the world looks at americans as dumb because we actually think a THING can have influence over anything.

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The world's greatest invention is probably the wheel. Just think about how much we use them in society and where our world would be without them. - Indoor Plumbing is another revolutionary life changing invention

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the invention of light bulb brought in a different way to which people used to think and also inventors would now think on the revolutionary American inventions and think how their inventions would affect the society

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The world's greatest invention is probably the wheel. Just think about how much we use them in society and where our world would be without them. - Indoor plumbing is another revolutionary life changing invention

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yes i think it is because these are things eye doctors use in today's society

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Teachers contribute to society as much as if not sometimes more than parents. They tell children what to believe, think, and do. Obviously the older the children get the less suceptable they are to someone just telling them waht to believe but teachers have a big influence on children making them a big influence on the society.

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I am not sure about this, but I think the romans liked fire and Hephaestus was the god of fire. As I said, I am not sure about this.

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The Cotton Gin... It was intended to help the South produce cotton, it really helped the spread of slavery. :(

How does Society influence Science?

i think it make the plant produce more energy so it can grow

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ii think that if he didnt invent it we wouldnt know what time it was if we didnt haVE A WATCH AND THAT OUR HOUSES WOULDNT LOOK AS GOOD .