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I would believe that cell phones had a greater effect on daily lives of Americans than anything else.

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Q: Which inventions do you think had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans?
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What invention had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans?

there were many, electricity, phones and cars

What invention do you think was the most important and had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans?

It is a matter of opinion, but 'the Internet' or 'the smartphone' would be high on the list.

Which invention do you think had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans?

I would say electricity ,would have said mobile phones but mobile phone wouldn't work or exist without electricity.

What invention do you think had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans of the 1830s?

The matches and clocks. Why? Because we would be really lost today if we couldn't tell time. Also where would we be and what would we eat with no heat?

What inventions were made to improve daily life in china?

Many inventions were made such as a pot and pan

Which invention do you think had a greatest effect on the daily lives of Americanswhy?

The invention that had the greatest effect on the daily lives of Americans was the Television. Before the Television people had to wait for several weeks for information about the government to come to them. After the Television to be invented people could get informed faster and easier. This invention also changed the way people socialized with other people. Before the Television's invention people went out from their homes to talk to other people because they didn't had anything else to do. After the Television's invention people stayed in their rooms to watch the TV.

How do inventors help us?

because their inventions helps us in our daily life

Where are daily changes greatest?

daily changes is something that happens regurlay

What is the longest distance driven on a daily basis by Americans?

the longest distance driven on a daily basis by Americans is 5,000,000 miles a day

What daily live did the native Americans have?

natives americans have daily because they always fineshed there job. daily lives of the priests because they fineshid there lessons teaching about god and religion. native americans and priests have daily because both them always finishid there work every day

When is the daily range greatest?

Neap tide.

How science and technology improve people quality of life?

because of our new inventions.. we can improve our daily lives