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arthropods always have 3 segments, these are made up of general bugs and insects such as beetles, ants, moths and butterflies.

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Q: Which invertebrate animal always have three body segments a head a thorax and an abdomen?
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Why is the crayfish classified as a segment animal?

Its tail or abdomen is segmented

What do insects and spiders have in common?

Arachnids and insects both have segments. Arachnids have two segments- a head-chest region called the cephalothorax and also an abdomen. Insects have three segments- a head, a thorax, and a abdomen. The second thing they have in common is joints. If you need more information you can go to Animal Diversity Web.

What animal has no backbone but have limbs and 2 body parts?

Arthropods are invertabrates (no backbone) which have segmented bodies and limbs. However, some arthropods, such as insects, have 3 body segments. Chelicerata - a group which includes spiders - have 2 segments, the cephalothorax and the abdomen.

What is an invertebrate?

"Invertebrate" means without a spinal column ("no vertebrae"). An invertebrate animal does not have a backbone, for example mollusks, worms, and insects.(see related questions and link)It is important to know the difference an invertebrate and an vertebrate. An invertebrate is an animal that does not have a spinal animal with a spinal cord or backbone

Are sharks invertebrate animals?

No. an invertebrate is an animal without a backbone.

Is the spring peeper an invertebrate animal?

NO spring frogs are not invertebrate

Is a crab an invertebrate or a plant?

A crab is an invertebrate and is an animal, not a plant.

What is AAA invertebrate animal?

An invertebrate animal is an animal which has no spine like a slug. (P.S. Unlike most believe a snake does have a backbone)

What makes a honeybee an invertebrate?

They have no backbones. See related questions below for more detail.

What is a invertebrate animal?

An octopus.

An invertebrate is an animal with?

. . . with no spine.