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All invertebrates lay eggs.

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Q: Which invertebrates lay eggs
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Which carnivorous animals lay eggs?

Yes people can lay eggs

Do amphibians lay eggs or give live birth?

Amphibians mean living two lives. Amphibians are tetrapodes, usually watery animals, and have smooth skin. They lay soft eggs without any external covering. Examples are frogs, newts etc. Some amphibians, the Alpine Salamander for example, do give birth to live young.Mostly eggs, to my knowledge.

What type of birth does an invertebrate have?

Most invertebrates don't give birth but they re mostly oviparous that is lay eggs .

Is a moon jellyfish a reptile?

Jellyfish are not reptiles. Reptiles are vertebrate animals that have scales and lay eggs. Jellyfish are invertebrates.

Do birds only nest to lay eggs?

No. Most reptiles lay eggs, as do most amphibians, and many species of fish. There is even a subgroup of mammals known as monotremes, which lay eggs. This group is made up of just the platypus and the echidna. Insects, arachnids and many invertebrates also lay eggs.

What are animals that lay eggs?

There are many animals that lay eggs. The animals most associated with eggs are birds, of course, but there are others. Most reptiles, fish, insects, crustaceans and other underwater invertebrates lay eggs, though some - such as sharks, some species of chameleons and snakes and the like - have been known to retain the eggs inside their birth chambers until they hatch and thus give live birth. There are also two species of mammal that lay eggs; both are of the order Monotreme. The platypus and the echidna both lay eggs and are the only surviving members of the order Monotreme.

Do American crocodiles have live birth or lay eggs?

They lay eggs and heat it with covered grass

How do eggs get from a cow to your refrigerator?

Cows do not lay eggs,Cows do not lay eggs,

Does a scorpion lay eggs?

scorpion does not lay eggs. it is not like the spider which lay eggs.

Do reptile lay eggs or have live young?

They lay eggs

Do caterpillars lay blue eggs?

caterpilles do not lay eggs. no thay lay white eggs

Do ball pythons lay eggs or have live birth?

They lay eggs.