

Best Answer
  • Chinese calendar may refer to any of the official and civil calendars used in China and some neighboring countries in different periods of history; however, the phrase is generally synonymous with Han calendar.
  • The official calendar in China today is the Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar. It is used for public and business affairs.
  • The civil calendar in much of China is the Han calendar, which is a lunisolar calendar. It is used for selecting the day of a wedding or funeral, for opening a venture, or a relocation.
  • The Han calendar is a lunisolar calendar, which indicates both the moon phases and the solar terms. In Han calendar, a year usually begins on the second dark moon after the winter solstice but occasionally on the third dark moon after the winter solstice.
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Q: Which is Chinese calender
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How is the Chinese calendar different from the western one?

The Chinese calender utilizes both the lunar and solar calenders. When the 'Chinese New Year' is discussed it is in reference to the lunar calender which is still used for traditional purposes. The western calender is now exclusively solar, which is accepted as a more reliable and accurate calender system.

How many different calendars are still in use today?

The three main calenders in use today are the Gregorian calender (the international standard), the Hindu calender, and the Islamic calender. There are also many less used calenders for religious purposes such as the Chinese calender, Hebrew calender, Julian calender, and Iranian calender just to name a few. It is hard to tell exactly because there are and have been so many.

What is the western calendar called?

The Gregorian calender.Gregorian calender.

Why do some people want to change BC to BCE?

BC (Before Christ) is numerically identical to BCE (Before Common Era). There are a couple of reasons for adopting; partly it's because the Gregorian calender has become, unofficially, a World calender. Using BCE makes it an official calender without offending cultures who, internally, use calenders based around their own religions. Since the era of Atomic clocks, its been realised that the original calculations used for the Gregorian calender are slightly inaccurate - occasional leap seconds have to be introduced to keep the atomic clocks in sync. with the Earth. The other reason I can imagine is that the Gregorian calender was established by the Catholic Church; it is widely acknowledged that the accuracy of some of the dates; particular 1AD, has some doubt. One of the driving forces for changing to the Gregorian calender was the knowledge that holy days were being celebrated on the wrong day. There is always a chance that a future Pope might decide to rearrange the calender (for example, to fix the date of Easter).

Why is the current calendar called the Julian calendar?

It's not, it's called the Gregorian Calender. Julius Caesar reformed and improved the old Roman calender in the first century B.C. and thus it was called the Julian Calender. His reform was very good but it did not allow for the fact that a year is actually 365.25 days long. It had the year being exactly 365 days. Thus by the Middle Ages the calendar was off by eleven days. Pope Gregory the Great revised it by just cutting out eleven days one year, so the calender would "catch up" with the actual position of the sun and stars in the sky, and adding leap years so that it would not get out of alignment again. Thus we now have the Gregorian Calender.

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Is the Chinese calendar apart of Chinese mythology?

Chinese calender was created according to the combination of solar calender and moon cycles rather than mysthology.

How is the Chinese calendar different from the western one?

The Chinese calender utilizes both the lunar and solar calenders. When the 'Chinese New Year' is discussed it is in reference to the lunar calender which is still used for traditional purposes. The western calender is now exclusively solar, which is accepted as a more reliable and accurate calender system.

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he created the first chinese calender

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In the Chinese Calender the year 2011 is the year of the hare.

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According to the Chinese calender the year 1998 is called the tigers year.

If English birth date is 18 June what is Chinese?

without the year, no one can tell you the Chinese calender date of your English calender date. it is just not a date-to-date "translation". the number of days in a month in Chinese calender can be very different from that to the English calender. therefore, 18th June in the different year of English calender will not be the same for the same year in the Chinese calender. however, u can easily find the date u want from this link...

What is the Chinese animal for 2000?

the dragon represents 2000 on the Chinese calender

When was the Chinese calendar used?

The chinese calender has been used for centuries, they still use it even now.

What is the smallest mammal after which a year is named in the Chinese calender?

Gribbs shrey

Why does the date of the Chinese New Year vary each year?

Because China got the lunar calender and the western calender so the lunar have to catch up the western calender so that's why

When is the Chinese Hungry Ghosts Festival?

In the Chinese calender, the Ghost Festival is on the 15th night of th seventh lunar month.

How many different calendars are still in use today?

The three main calenders in use today are the Gregorian calender (the international standard), the Hindu calender, and the Islamic calender. There are also many less used calenders for religious purposes such as the Chinese calender, Hebrew calender, Julian calender, and Iranian calender just to name a few. It is hard to tell exactly because there are and have been so many.