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the deepest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean

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Q: Which is a deepest SEA on the Earth?
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What is the worlds deepest sea?

The Marianas Trench in the Pacific is the deepest place on earth

Is Dead Sea the deepest place on the Earth?

No. I think its the Marianas Trench.

Where would you find some of the deepest earthquakes on planet earth?

the sea

What is the deepest longest valley on the earth above sea level?

The African Great Rift Valley is longest, and the Cotahuasi Canyon is deepest.

Where is the dead sea at its deepest point?

yes, the Dead sea is the saltiest and deepest in elevation for a sea

Is Death Valley the largest hole on earth?

No. it's the deepest point on earth No, it's the lowest spot in the Western Hemisphere. The deepest point would belong to the Dead Sea.

What is largest ocean in Philippines?

the deepest sea in the philippinesIN MINDORO SEA 35+THOUSAND FEET..... SECOND IN MINDANAO....

What is the deepest point on the earth surface?

The deepest point in any ocean is the Mariana Trench (aka Challenger Deep) in the western Pacific Ocean at 11,033 metres deep.

Which of the oceans is deeper?

The Pacific ocean is by far the deepest of the oceans. The Marianas Trench is the deepest place on earth. It is deeper below sea level than Mt Everest is high.

List of the deepest lakes on earth?

Lake Baikal its the deepest lake on EARTH!

Is red sea the deepest ocean?

no the red sea is a sea it is not an ocean . it is the Pacific ocean that is the deepest ocean in the world .

What is the lowest part of the world?

The lowest point on land on earth is at the Dead Sea, on the border of Jordan and Israel. The Dead Sea lies at 1,312 feet (400 meters) below sea level. The lowest point in the sea on earth is the Pacific Ocean's Marianas Trench. It's near Guam and is 35,840 feet (10,924 m) deep. THE deepest part of the Earth is the center of the core. Being a sphere, no "deeper" place can be reached. The deepest bored hole and deepest artificial point on Earth is the SG-3 borehole of the Kola Super deep Borehole in the Pechangsky District of Murmansk Oblast, Russia. The deepest part of the Earths surface in the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench at 10.911 km. below sea level.