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The answer is A ! "I went home and ate and ate !

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3d ago

B Before lunch I played volleyball after lunch I did again

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Q: Which is a run-on sentence A I went home and ate and ate B Before lunch I played volleyball after lunch I did again C I thought about what he said I realized he was right?
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Which of these sentence is a run-on Before lunch I played volleyball after lunch i did again I thought about what he'd said soon i realized he was right You and I?

You have to put some punctuation in there before it's possible to answer this. Right now, the winner is your entire sentence - it's a big run-on.

Which of the following is a run-on sentence?

A. I went home and ate and ate. B. Before lunch, I played volleyball; after lunch I did again. C. I thought about what he'd said soon I realized he was right. D. You and I and the whole team will go.

Before lunch you played volleyball after lunch you did it again is this a run on sentence?


Is the sentence Before lunch you played volleyball after lunch you played again a run on sentence?

Yes, this is a run-on sentence, because it contains two independent clauses (each can stand alone as a sentence) that are not separated by any punctuation or conjunction.The following are examples of how to correct this error:Before lunch you played volleyball. After lunch you played again.Before lunch you played volleyball; after lunch you played again.Before lunch you played volleyball, and after lunch you played again.

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What is the name of the game played on a volleyball court with a volleyball but it has to bounce before you hit it?

Volleyball Tennis

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What is the mesurements of a volleyball court?

---- i dont know i never played volleyball before ---- i dont know i never played volleyball before ---- i dont know i never played volleyball before ---- i dont know i never played volleyball before

Before a ball was custom made for the sport in 1900 what kind of a ball was being used in volleyball?

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