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Q: Which is a trend in people and diets in countries that are experiencing rapid economic growth?
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What are the distinctions between economic growth and economic development?

Economic growth is the growth of people which causes economic development, the growth/development of cities/towns. (i.e. businesses and buildings)

Is economic growth necessary for economic development?

Economic growth is necessary for economic development but not a sufficient proof of economic development. The improvement of people's living condition is a greater assessment of economic development.

Government programs that protect people experiencing unfavorable economic conditions are?

Safety Net!

How is economic growth affected by culture?

The more economic growth, the more people migrate there, and thus various cultures mix and change.

Should economic growth be sacrificed if necessary in order to reduce poverty?

No. Economic growth is the best way to reduce poverty. Economic growth creates jobs. Economic growth should not be sacrificed, it should merely be more inclusive. More people should experience the benefits of it. Economic growth is a good thing. When economic growth slows or stops, people start worrying about themselves and stop worrying about others. When economic growth is good and people have jobs and money, they are more interested in helping others. When corporations make money, they expand and hire more people. Then those people have money to purchase goods and services. The companies who sell those goods and services hire people to produce those goods and provide those services.

What are two ways the railroads influenced economic growth in the US?

Shipping the goods and more transportation brought people here to have economic growth

What is the impact of economic growth on a community?

economic growth became so low that people in a community suffered financially and economically in its own sense///

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which people have formed an economic oligarchy in several latin American countries

Can there be economic growth without economic development?

Some people would say no, but the truth is yes.

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what could ordinary people do in their daily lives to promote economic growth and prosperity in south africa

What is one word for government programs that protect people experiencing unfavorable economic conditions?

safety nets

Should individual freedom be sacrificed in order to achieve economic growth?

Individual effort is the basis of any form of economic growth. And as history has shown - just look at the Communist countries after WW2 - individual effort is rarely if ever stimulated by lack of personal freedom. So in order to have economic growth, the people that have to realize it have to feel that their efforts will result in a better future for themselves. A government that tries to start economic growth by sacrificing personal freedom, will find that people won't have that trust in the future. Just look at China: the leadership first had to promise greater freedoms before the economic boom could start.