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About the only benefits are that interrogatories are less expensive and time consuming than depositions. Interrogatories can be typed up and sent to the person for written responses to each question. A deposition requires the physical presence of the parties and the witness and is recorded by a certified shorthand reporter or videotaped. These aspects of a deposition make it a more expensive way of conducting discovery than using interrogatories. Never the less, depositions are still a much more effective means of learning the facts of the other side's case.

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13y ago

It is almost like asking which is better, a hammer or a screwdriver? Depositions and interrogatories are both vital independent tools useful in obtaining discovery in a litigation. As a general proposition, depositions are usually more costly, but one knows that the answers comes directly from the deponent. On the other hand, interrogatories, usually less costly to draft, are typically prepared by the other side's attorney and may be evasive or contain excessive objections. However, I caution the questioner again that this is an impossible question to accurately answer, because the utility of each device depends on the nature of the lawsuit, the finances available/at issue, the nature of the attorney representation, and a number of other variables. In most (but not all) jurisidictions/cases, litigants have the ability to employ both tools. Sometimes, we prefer not to "signal" certain areas of inquiry in interrogatories prior to depositions, so that we may ideally obtain an honest, unprepared-for response.

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