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i feel blues are better i have had blues and same with many people in my family and they are nicer in personality and temperament where as the reds have a tendency to be nipper or more aggressive. an uncle had one and he wasn't the nicest and same with a friend of ours she is OK but not a friendly as my blues. but if u treat them right and educate them (by that i mean expose them to the world take them everywhere and show them new things) they should be very nice

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Q: Which is better red or blue cattle dog?
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Are blue healers the same breed as the Australian cattle dog?

yes, blue healers are the same a Australian cattle dogs. red healers are Australian cattle dogs also. = =

What breed of dog can be red or blue?

Australian Cattle Dog. Go to

What is the common name for blue heeler?

Australian Cattle Dog, Queensland heeler, red Heeler, Blue heeler,

Is there such a thing as a white Australian cattle dog?

no, Australian cattle dogs come in either blue or red. blues can have black patches and markings, tan markings and some have white star on their forehead and others are a combination of tan and black markings with a blue coat. reds are red with tan markings only sometimes there's flicks of speckled white. if you are looking at a dog which you have been told is a cattle dog and its white then it might be a cross. i see many jack Russell cattle dog crosses that are white

What is the difference between a blue heeler and red heeler?

Australian Cattle Dogs and Blue Heelers are the same thing. 'Australian Cattle Dog' is it's official name, but we (In Australia) often call them blue or red heelers for the colour of their coat and their ability to 'heel' cattle. There are however 2 breeds of Bluey (we shorten everything in Aus, it's got a nickname for the nickname). One is the Australian Cattle Dog and the other is the Australian Stumpy-Tailed Cattle Dog. They look pretty much the same, except for the obvious; one has a short tail.

What is a cattle dog?

A cattle dog usually refers to the blue heeler, red heeler and Queensland heeler. It has been specially bred for Australian conditions, for rounding up cattle and helping with mustering. Because it is bred to be a "heeler", it nips at the feet of the cattle to round them up, and so a cattle dog, or blue heeler, that is a family dog often develops the tendency to nip at people's feet to try to round up its "pack". It is not an ideal family dog unless there is both a large backyard and opportunity for it to get plenty of exercise. The blue heeler quickly becomes bored, as it is bred to work.

What type of dog is red dog?

No dog is actually red red. Just go on google and look up something like: red australian cattle dog. :)

In Australia which a dog herds cattle by biting the back of their feet?

not sure of what the question you are trying to ask. however cattle dogs are working dogs and they usually nip the heels (hence the name blue/red heeler) of cattle to make them move. on the other had a good dog will not bite the cattle there is a difference, he should just nip them on the heel, or hock as its is called on cattle, and not bite which may cause damage meaning he shouldn't make the beast. if he bites the animal and causes lacerations on them they can get infected and it also looks bad when trying to sell them. just one more point most good dogs can make cattle move without having to nip, nipping should be a last option for them. the presence of the dog and his lunges and barks should make them move.

What is an Australian and New Zealand dog used to herd cattle by biting the back of their feet?

The Blue Heeler is so named for its blue-grey colour, and its ability to herd cattle by nipping at the heels of cattle. It is popular in both Australia and New Zealand, as it is intelligent, hard-working and very effective in its job.

Witch color is better blue or red?


What is the name of Australian sheep dog that nips the heels of sheep?

Australian cattle dog(red or blue healer)the breed is made up of smooth speckled collie, wild dingo, Australian kelpie,dalmation and bull terrior

What is the Specie name for Australian cattle dog?

Australian Cattle Dogs can also be called Queensland Heeler, Blue Heeler (dogs showing the 'bluish'gray and black coloring), and Red Heeler (reddish colored dogs.) Stumpy tailed versions are sometimes referred to as Smithfield Cattle dogs, but in fact the Smithfield heeler is another breed again, with a different shaped body.