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Q: Which is composed of similar types of cells and performs a specific function?
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What is a group of similar cells that performs a specific function?

A tissue (not the kind you sneeze into) is a similar group of cells that perform the same function. a tissue. and a group of tissues working together is called an organ. and a group of organs working together is called an organ system.

What is the difference between an organtissueorganelle and cell?

Cells are composed of a cellular membrane surrounding organelles floating in cytosol. A tissue is a number of similar cells that carry out a specific function. An organ is composed of two or more tissue types and have a recognizable shape and function.

In a living organism a group of similar cells that performs a common function is called .?


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No it is not the same, but it performs a similar function.

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Group of similar cells that perform a similar function?

tissues are group of cell that perform a specific similar function.

What do tissue form when they combine together?

According to the structural organization of the human body, Tissues are groups of similar cells that have a common function. An organ is composed of at least two different tissues types that perform a specific function within the body.

A group of cells that performs a particular function is called a?

Tissues are groups of similar cells performing a single function. A group of tissues working together to perform a complex function is called an organ.