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I think 'on foot' is the correct term to use.

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Q: Which is correct 'on foot' or 'by foot'?
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It is better to be in a bare foot is always correct because if we would wear the shoe whole of the day we would have athlete's foot disease and if we are bare foot the sweat of foot just dry up and because of that it is better to be bare foot Azhar uddin khan-India

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Foot is correct. It is both the plural and singular when referring to measurement (1 foot, 100 foot, 1000 foot tall/high/wide etc). Feet are the two things on the end of your legs. * * * * * Not true. More than one foot is correct only if it is used as part of an adjectival phrase: for example a 60-foot high building. Otherwise, the building should be described as 60 feet high.

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That is the correct spelling of "foot" (pedal extremity, or unit equal to twelve inches).

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200 square feet is correct answer.

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