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hard candy

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Q: Which is more damaging to the teeth hard candy or a candy bar?
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Which is more damaging to your body fryed chicken or candy?

The answer is fried chicken because it has more calories and sugar than candy.:)

Is it true that candy is bad for your teeth or is that just an old wives tale?

Candy is indeed bad for the teeth,but not nearly as bad as our moms would have us think. You will do more damage to your teeth with soda and fruit juice,due to the acid,than you will with candy.

What effect candy cane have on teeth?

Some types of chewing gums can help make your teeth whiter. These types of gum are those that are sugarless and made for teeth whitening. They produce more saliva to wash away food particles and are slightly more abrasive so they can clean stains better.

Does sprite dissolve hard candy before coke?

Sprite will disolve more hard candy faster than coke.

Which is more damaging to teeth acid or sugar?

The pH ranges from 2.47-3.35 and our mouths about 6.2 to 7.0. At a PH of 5.2 to 5.5 or below the acid begins to dissolve the hard enamel of our teeth. Phosphoric and citric acids are found in soda

Does eating candy and not brushing your teeth cause buck teeth?

no but it will cause plack build up and the plack will harden then when u eat more candy the plack will soak up the sugar and then expell aid that will make ur teeth fall out

Is chocolate more popular than hard candy?

i could say yes. hard candy can have chocolate in it. like coffee candy. but it is up to who ever likes chocolate. But most people like chocolate.

How much candy in needed for parade route?

Really, the best candy for parades is hard candy but not very many people like hard candy any more so smarties, wrapped gum, and especially blow pops and dum dums are the best candys for parades.

How come my teeth hurt when i eat hot food?

Your teeth might have become sensitive to the temperature in your food and drink. Go to a dentist to have it checked out if the pain stays for more than a couple of days.

Is candy good to your teeth?

Yes, candy can lead to cavities.To avoid it:1. Just brush your teeth after eating candy.2. Avoid eating too much candy3. Eat candy like caugh drops,and more ,candy with a lot of nutrition.4. Go to the dentist if this happens.You can avoid it using these useful tips. If you do it, you'll have better protection against cavities. Be sure to visit the dentist once or twice a year.

What are some suggestions for having healthy teeth as a child?

You should brush your teeth everyday. At least 2 or 3 times. This is the most important advice. Also be careful of the types of food you eat. While this may be hard because people like the taste of certain things, junk foods such and candy and pop do more damage to teeth than other kinds. Using floss to clean in-between teeth and rinsing with mouthwash is also useful.

Who is more famous Spider-Man or M and M'S?

Ooh, hard one. Probably that delicious candy.