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Conjunctivitis tobramycin is more effective than gentamicin for a cat.

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Q: Which is more effective for a cat with conjunctivitis tobramycin or gentamicin?
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Gentamicin eye drops or ointment can be used for pink eye?

No, gentamicin is a cheap drug that has a record of poisoning 1 in 20-25 patients with permanent "oscillopsia" typified by NO BALANCE SYSTEM, blurry vision, shortened lifespan, depression. Do NOT use gentamin under ANY circumstances. Question your doctors personal knowledge of gentamicin if they suggest to use it....they are ignorant of slightly more expensive [about $USD3-4 more per shot/dosage] modern high tech medicines that superseded gentamicin 25 plus years ago. Third world countries are renowned for using cheap drugs for obvious reasons. Countries/hospitals in Western Countries like USA, Australia, Greece, Spain still use gentamicin as it is a cheap alternative in dollars [but an expensive alternative in health].

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It can occur more than once.

What is karate conjunctivitis?

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Imo, eyes are more harsh than they are sore

Why are children more susceptible to conjunctivitis that adults?

Because they like to put everything they find on the floor, in their nouth

What is used as an antibiotics?

Penisilin is the most common and well known form of antibiotic known to man.(More natural remedies include Garlic, Cinnamon and honey (mixed).)Below are a few others:Penicillins such as penicillin and amoxicillinCephalosporins such as cephalexin (Keflex)Macrolides such as erythromycin (E-Mycin), clarithromycin (Biaxin), and azithromycin (Zithromax)Fluoroquinolones such as ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin), and ofloxacin (Floxin)Sulfonamides such as co-trimoxazole (Bactrim) and trimethoprim (Proloprim)Tetracyclines such as tetracycline (Sumycin, Panmycin) and doxycycline (Vibramycin)Aminoglycosides such as gentamicin (Garamycin) and tobramycin (Tobrex)

Is human pinkeye and animal pinkeye the same?

Pinkeye (conjunctivitis) looks the same in humans and in animals - swollen and red membranes around the eye and on the white of the eye, lots of ocular discharge that can range from clear and watery to thick, opaque and a variety of colors (green, yellow, white, red). However, the bacteria and viruses that cause conjunctivitis are different depending on the species. Conjunctivitis in cows is usually caused by Moraxella bovis (a bacteria) but cats more often have viral conjunctivitis.

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more effective, most effective

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Is bacterial conjunctivitis similar to viral conjunctivitis?

Conjunctivitis caused by bacteria or a virus, if treated properly, is usually resolved in 10-14 days. If there is no relief of symptoms in 48-72 hours, or there is moderate to severe eye pain, changes in vision, or the conjunctivitis is suspected