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Baclofen is not listed for nerve pain. Naproxen lists nerve pain relief as one of it's jobs.

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Q: Which is more effective for sciatica Naproxen or baclofen?
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Can you take naproxen with a muscle relaxer?

Yes, naproxen (naprosyn or alleve) can be taken in conjunction with muscle relaxants (Flexiril) to achieve a more effective dissolution of pain

Is there any treatment for spasms in paraplegia?

Oral drugs such as baclofen can be taken, or in more extreme cases, a baclofen pump can be implanted to deliver baclofen direct to the spinal cord.

Does naproxen contain codiene?

No, naproxen is more commonly known as Aleve. The only active ingredient is naproxen.

Is naproxen a norcotic?

No. Naproxen is an over-the-counter NSAID (NonSteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) more commonly known as Aleve.

How much does it cost for sciatica exercises?

This can depend upon several things such as where you currently are, your gender, age and many more. Usually, sciatica exercises would be charged between 50 and 300.

Naproxen is not working what do you take?

ughh, im on naproxen too, for tendonitis and its crap im in more pain now than i ever was before :(

Which is stronger Darvocet or Vicodin?

vicodin... darvocet is like strong tylenol. vicodin contains hydrocodone as its active ingredient, making it a pain killer. darvocets active ingredient is naproxen which is a pain reliever.----Darvocet, while it may not be much more effective in pain relief as naproxen, is NOT the same thing. it is a synthetic opioid analgesic (propoxyphene) combined with acetaminophen (Tylenol). It is a very weak painkiller. Vicodin is a combination of the moderately strong opioid hydrocodone and acetaminophen. While Vicodin is much stronger and more effective at relieving pain than Darvocet, they are both narcotics.

Can naproxen gel show up in urine test as barbiturate?

No. Naproxen is no more than a competing NSAID to Advil and will not come up as any type of controlled susbstance on a drug test

Can naproxen sodium cause herpes to develop more often?

I'm not an expert, but I can attest to the fact that whenever I have taken naproxen sodium, it causes a herpes outbreak. I have since completely stopped taking it.

What are the best products used and recommended by doctors for sciatica relief?

In the past, people who had sciatica were be on bed rest in order to relieve bones. However, today, it is thought that staying active may be more beneficial. Anti-inflammatory can be taken to relieve pain.

How is sciatica a disability?

Sciatica pain may feel like a bad leg cramp that lasts for weeks or months before it goes away. You may have pain, especially when you sit, sneeze or cough. Discomfort ranges from mild to incapacitating, and may be accompanied by tingling, numbness or muscle weakness. Like the term slipped disc, sciatica pain is a term often misused to describe any pain in the leg that may originate in the lower back. True sciatica only involves pain caused by pressure on the sciatic nerve or its branches. Pain in the front of the thigh or groin, although possibly referred from the low back, is not sciatica. Sciatica is a set of symptoms not a diagnosis. This point is important, because treatment for sciatica pain will often vary, depending on what is irritating the nerve, causing the pain. You can read more on this topic in the related link below.

What are the comparative and superlative effective?

more effective, most effective