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For me, it is the physiocrats which is effective, because it deals the importance and value of land agriculture and land development which is totally the main sort of living esp. In Philippines.w/ out the agricultural products, we cannot live longer.

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Q: Which is more effective mercantilism or physiocrats?
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How did the physiocrats feel about mercantilism?

They hated the mercantilism

Which group focused on economic reform during the Enlightenment?

Physiocrats which were basically trying to combat mercantilism.

How were the physiocrats different from the mercantilists?

physiocrats focused on econimic reforms where as mecantilists focused on expoting more than importing

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Physiocracy is the term associated with Francois Quesnay, who is known as the founder of this economic school of thought that focused on the importance of agriculture in driving economic growth. Physiocrats believed that wealth came from the land and criticized mercantilism for its focus on trade and accumulation of precious metals.

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francois quesnay

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the physiocrats

European monarchs who wanted to enrich their countries by exporting more then they imported practiced the economic policy known as?

Mercantilism was the economic policy European monarchs used in order to enrich their country via exporting more than importing in the trade's market. During mercantilism's peak it was a very effective tool for the monarchs at that time in causing the enrichment.

When to use Mercantilism theory?

A clinical definition of mercantilism would be, with a lot of truth to it, that it is the system that every country denounces and that every country practices. The most effective (and easiest to get away with) form of trade mercantilism is now used by the PRC, and it is based on manipulating the foreign exchange rate.

What is mercantilism main goal?

Under the idea of mercantilism, a country will be economically successful if it has more exports than imports.

What was the most important principle of mercantilism?

The most important principle of mercantilism was to export more than you import when running a nation.

How did navigation support the system of mercantilism?

The main idea behind mercantilism is that you want more exports than imports (more money coming into your country than going out of your country).

How did navigations act support system of mercantilism?

The main idea behind mercantilism is that you want more exports than imports (more money coming into your country than going out of your country).