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Water and wax do not go together. Think of the reason why people wax their cars. If the car gets wet the wax allows the water to form droplets and slide off. The wax and the water do not mix. Another way to think of it is floating candles. If the wax dissolved in the water then it wouldn't be a floating candle anymore. So my guess is that it is more soluble in kerosene.

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Kerosene is more viscous; note that many types of kerosene exist, with some differences in properties.

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Yes Wax can dissolve in kerosene

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Q: Which is more viscous water or kerosene?
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No it is lighter then water that is why it floats on top.

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Does kerosene float on water-?

no, beacuse there is more sugars patick present in it so it floats

Is water more viscous than honey?

No, honey is more viscous than water. Viscosity refers to a fluid's resistance to flow, and honey is thicker and stickier compared to water, which makes it more viscous.

What is meant by a viscous liquid?

Viscosity is a measure of the thickness or how runny a liquid is. More viscous means thicker and syrup-like. Less viscous means more runny and more like water.

Can a viscous fluid be less dense then fresh water?

Yes, for example oil is less dense than water even though it is more viscous.

Why kerosene floats on water?

kerosene floats on water because kerosene is less denser than water

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Pouring water on a kerosene fire can spread the flames and cause the fire to intensify due to the kerosene's ability to float on top of the water. This can make the situation more dangerous and difficult to control. It is better to use a fire extinguisher or sand to smother the fire.