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Rhyme scheme is not a figure of speech. It is a literary device used to describe the pattern of rhymes at the end of lines in a poem or song.

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Q: Which is not a figure of speech hyprebole simile rhyme scheme or personification?
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What one of these is not a figure of speech personification simile hyperbole rhyme scheme?

Rhyme Scheme.. its jus the way something sounds. The rest are figures of speech.

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8 kinds of figure of speech?

Simile: comparing two unlike things using "like" or "as" (e.g. "as brave as a lion"). Metaphor: direct comparison between two unlike things (e.g. "time is a thief"). Personification: giving human qualities to something non-human (e.g. "the sun smiled down on us"). Hyperbole: exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally (e.g. "I've told you a million times"). Alliteration: repetition of consonant sounds at the beginning of words (e.g. "peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers"). Onomatopoeia: words that imitate sounds (e.g. "buzz," "crash"). Oxymoron: putting two contradictory words together (e.g. "bittersweet," "deafening silence"). Irony: words used to convey a meaning that is opposite of the literal meaning (e.g. a fire station burning down).

What figure of speech is this ''music came floating to them?

Figures of speech, metaphor, simile, or personification. This is a metaphor

Meaning and example of 7 figure of speech?

simile metaphor hyperbole personification oxymoron irony

Which figure of speech is O My Luves like a red red rose?

simile personification metaphor onomatopoeia

What are the 12 figure of speech with two examples each?

simile metaphor hyperbole personification irony allusion

What literary terms are used in the two underlined portions of this reading passage?

personification and simile

what is the Attention Getter in The landlady?

imagery, simile, personification, and idiom

Was a bombshell simile metaphor personification?

"Was a bombshell" is an idiom that means something was striking or shocking. It is not a simile, metaphor, or personification.

Is the pencil danced across the paper a simile?

no, it is personification a simile is when a sentence has "like" or "as"