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Q: Which is oldest religion in the world?
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Is the jainism is the oldest of all religion?

Jainism is not the oldest religion of the world. Animism and Hinduism have been cited as the oldest religions of the world.

Which on oldest religion in the world?


Is Islam the oldest religion of the world?


What is the longest running religion?

Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world.

Is Hindu were world oldest religion?

no, egyptian . All world religion started from Egypt.

Which religion is the oldest and smallest?

Hinduism is the oldest, but it is not the smallest and is the 3rd largest, with 14% of the world population. Zoroastrianism is the smallest religion in the world, with just 0.02% of the world population.

Is Hinduism the oldest religion in the world?


What religion is the second oldest in the world?


Is jainsim the oldest religion in world?

No of course not. Jainism is a branch off from Hinduism, so it cannot be the oldest religion in the world. However, Hinduism might be.

Where did Hinduism religon begin?

It began in India. This religion is the oldest religion in the world.

Is Hinduism one of the oldest religions in the world?

Yes, in fact Hinduism is believed to be the oldest written religion on the world.

What is the oldest religion in the world and the third largest today?

Hinduism (c. 2900 BCE) is the oldest recognized religion in the world and the third largest behind Christianity and Islam.