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Q: Which is one example of a president expanding the excecutive powers outlined in the constitution?
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Which is one example of a president expanding the executive outlined in the Constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase

Which is one example of president expanding the executive powers outlined in the constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase

Which is one example of president expanding the executive power outlined in the constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase

What is one example of a president expanding in the executive powers outlined in the constitution?

the Louisiana Purchase

Which is one example of a president expanding the executive powers outlined in the constitution?

The Louisiana Purchase

What are outlined by Article one of the constitution?

duties of the president (not outlined)

Are The duties of the office of the Vice President are specifically outlined in the Constitution.?

False (A+)

Who was the fether of the constitution?

The US Father of the Constitution is James Madison who outlined the first 10 amendments. He was also the 4th US President.

Are the duties of the office of the Vice President are specifically outlined in the Constitution?

While the Constitution provided information on the election, length of term, and duty as the head of the Senate, it did not outline the specific job duties of the Vice President. In the Constitution, the duties that are stated are, he will replace the president if the president can't complete his term, and he will serve as the President of the Senate, but won't vote unless a tiebreaker is needed.

What is outlined in article 5 of the constitution?

How Congress adds amendments to the Constitution.

Why must the senate approve of certain high officials appointed by the president?

The Senate must approve of certain high officials appointed by the President because it is required to do so the US Constitution. The process is outlined in Article Two of the United States Constitution.

Which document lays out the requirements to be the POTUS?

The US Constitution, Article 2, section 1, clause 5 gives the qualifications for president.