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  • As new crops were introduced in Europe, food production increased.
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Jerrold Quitzon

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  • As new crops were introduced in Europe, food production increased.
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Q: Is one way in which the European economy was impacted by the Columbian Exchange?
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What Were some of the advantages of the Columbian exchange?

Some advantages of the Columbian Exchange include the exchange of plants and animals between the Americas and Europe, leading to increased agricultural productivity and diversified diets. It also facilitated the spread of new technologies and cultural ideas, helping to shape the global economy and society.

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E-commerce has impacted today's economy by offering a more convenient way to do shopping

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After the discovery of America, European powers, such as Spain, Portugal, France, and England, began colonizing the newly found territories. This led to the establishment of vast empires, exploitation of natural resources, and the forced labor of indigenous peoples. The discovery of America also initiated a massive intercontinental exchange known as the Columbian Exchange, which had significant effects on the global economy, culture, and environment.

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by the 16th century the ming economy was stimulated by trade with the portuguese the spanish and the dutch.china became involved ina new globe of trades and goods plant,animals,and food crops known as the columbian exchange

Key Points in the Columbian Exchange?

Transfer of plants, animals, diseases, and people between the New World and the Old World. Impact on agriculture, economy, and culture of both regions. Facilitated globalization and reshaped ecosystems on both continents.

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What is CC economy?

CC economy is the earlier economy by barter system.Comodity for Comodity exchange economy.

What was the 4 continents were bought closer during trade?

The four continents that were brought closer together through trade were Europe, Africa, Asia, and America. This period of expanded trade and cultural exchange, known as the Columbian Exchange, had a significant impact on the global economy and led to the transfer of goods, ideas, and diseases between these continents.

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health care took the economy into more of a financial melt down...

What economy accepts goods and services in exchange for commodities?

barter economy

Which European country is now the number 3 economy on the planet?

Japan has the 3rd largest economy in the world, and it is an Asian country, not European. Germany is the 4th largest economy in the world, and it is a European country.