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depends on the millagrahm and how many you take

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Q: Which is stronger colonapan or Xanax?
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Is Ativan stronger then Xanax?

Ativan can be stronger than Xanax. However, it depends on the milligram dosage. Both Ativan and Xanax are anti-anxiety prescription medications.

How do you compare strengths of a 1mg xanax to a 1mg Ativan?

I would consider the Xanax much stronger.

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What is the difference between a generic 1 mg green Xanax and the regular 1mg blue Xanax?

No, those are footballers they are alot less stronger than a xanax bar.

What does herbal Xanax feel like compared to Xanax?

Herbal xanax is not even close to as potent even in doses 100x stronger than xanax (milligram per milligram). Xanax is prescription depressant and herbal xanax is a blend of herbal supplements. It is a misleading name and will not make you feel the same way even in huge doses.

Is mylan a1 stronger than zanax?

mylan a1;s r generic brands of xanax and xanax is better because it is 2 milligrams or u can get wo mylan a1s and it will feel as good as one stick of xanax

Does Prozac make Xanax stronger?

Prozac is an SSRI, a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Xanax is a sedative. Prozac works by slowing the breakdown of serotonin, therefore increasing the quantity in the synapse and your brain. Xanax works by slowing down the nerve impulses (I think). One doesn't make the other stronger, but prozac might get metabolized first by the liver, causing an increase in blood xanax levels. Talk to your pharmacist.

How much stronger than Valium is rohypnol?

Rohypnol is MUCH MUCH STRONGER than Valium. I say much twice..because for once it is stronger than Xanax & VALIUM. It contains 10 mgs of Valium, which would equal about .5 mgs of Xanax, this meaning that Xanax (Alprazolam) is a more potent drug than Valium (Diazapam)! Xanax is also a much quicker acting drug than Valium & also stronger. One blue 10mg Valium equals to 0.50mg of Xanax. That is how strong Xanax is. Then I say MUCH AGAIN because Rohypnol is stronger than other benzodiazepines, such as Valium, Xanax, and Halcion. 10mg tab of diazepam, and half the strength of a 1mg tab of Xanax, equivalence-wise. Rohypnol is 7 to 10 times stronger than Valium. Rohypnol's effects include sedation, muscle relaxation, reduction in anxiety, and prevention of convulsions. It's also very addictive, so never use Rohypnol in the long-term. This drug should only be prescribed for short-term treatment of any of the above issues. Hope this answered your question :) xXx

Does alprazolam contail diapezam?

Diazepam is Valium. Alprazolam is xanax. They are two separate drugs, though both are benzodiazepines. Xanax is stronger and a more recent addition to the benzo family, the Valium of the 21st century.

How many milligrams of Ativan equal 1 milligram of clonazepam?

What is stronger a 1 milligram ativan or a 1 milligram xanax

Does it take Klonopin longer to get in your body than xanax does?

The best I can tell you on that one is....klonopin is a longer acting benzo although xanax does seem to work better for me...for instance,I've been on xanax for 10 years,in my 3 pregnancies I was switched to,I wish I could give you a yes/no answer but I can't....just that xanax is stronger but not as long "acting" as klonopin