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Q: Which is studied by economists to understand how recourses are used?
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They used nature recourses like , maybe wild corn , wild berrys

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classical economists are those economists who used 'scarce resources' concepts in their economic theories where as neo ones used price output income distribution like concepts in their theories.

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no one knows the answer ha ha

What do economists used to test solutions to questions for which there are no obvious or easy answers?

Cost benefit analyses

How do economists sometimes measure physical capital?

the number of telephones it has in relation to its population.

What do you understand by the market?

market failure is a term used in Economics to denote a condition in which free markets are not able to perform under the certain preassumptions made by economists. The main four reasons for market failure are monopoly power,externalities,public good and information failure.

What do you understand by market?

market failure is a term used in Economics to denote a condition in which free markets are not able to perform under the certain preassumptions made by economists. The main four reasons for market failure are monopoly power,externalities,public good and information failure.