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Q: Which is the BEST meaning for distinctive as it is used in the selected sentence?
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You can repeat a word in a sentence for emphasis or to create a poetic or rhythmic effect. It can also be used for clarity or to convey a specific tone or mood in writing. Just be careful not to overuse repetition, as it can sound monotonous or detract from the overall message.

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the thing is to try YOUR BEST AND U WILL BE SELECTED.

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It reveals the meaning of a sentence. A+

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Read the entire passage or sentence. How it is used will tell you what it means.

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A sentence doesn't physically ripen like fruit. However, you can revise it by adding more detail, examples, or explanations to make it more clear, engaging, or impactful. This process is similar to allowing an idea to mature and develop fully.

How do you use HTML in a sentence?

You just did. The question you just asked is a sentence. The best sentence you can use HTML in, would be giving the meaning of the letters. (there goes another sentence with HTML) Here is the best sentence: Hyper Text Markup Language, HTML, is use to create a web page. It cant get better than that.

Is you have a complete sentence?

If the 'y' is capitalized and there is a period after 'have', then it can be a complete sentence. The subject is 'you' and the verb is 'have', the basic elements of a sentence. However, it is an incomplete thought and could only have meaning if it is an answer to a question such as, 'Who has the best score?' or 'Who has that job?'.

What are some distinctive characteristics of the Amazon River?

you can get the best water in the amazon river

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The best organisms that have been naturally selected are the ones that have survived the test of time. One such organism is the crocodile.