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Q: Which is the best beta blocker for hypertensive control and the least side effects?
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Hypertensive individuals should be encouraged to exercise at least?

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What kind of birth control has less side effect?

Condoms are the kind of birth control with highest reliability and the least side effects.

What is the easiest birth control with the least side effects?

Anal sex, it's 100% effective.

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Dams and water-control floodgates to control sudden surges in runoff from torrential rainstorms.

Your mom is 85 and for the last several days has had a heart rate of 160 what should she do?

She is probably in a supraventricular tachycardia like a-flutter. The rate is too high for someone that age. At the very least, she needs rate control with a medication like a beta-blocker or calcium channel blocker. In some cases, her doctor may recommend anti-coagulation or even cardioversion. She needs to see a doctor.

What is the least potent H-2 blocker?

Cimetidine (Tagamet) is available in both prescription and over-the-counter forms. The oldest of the group and the most studied, this drug is the least potent of the H2 receptor blockers,

What is the least effective form of birth control?

Probably praying is the least effective form of birth control.

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What is a low calorie diet for hypertensive patients?

You need to take in as little salt as possible. You need to drink at least 10 glasses of water a day, and potassium is really good. But you would need to watch your protein intake.

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What are monophasic birth control pills?

Monophasic birth control pills have a constant does of both Estrogen and Progestin in each hormonally active pill. They come in varying strengths and a doctor will help to determine which strength is best for each patient. Because of the uniform hormone levels, monphasics are the least likely of the birth control pills to cause side effects.