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Q: Which is the best fruit for the purpose of hair growth?
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Related questions

What is the best vitamin to make your hair grow?

The best vitamins for hair growth are the B vitamins. They are usually found in whole grains, fresh fruit, eggs, fish, turkey, meat, and milk. Vitamin E is good for hair loss.

What fruits help hair growth?

any try of fruits mostly dragon fruit :)

How do you grow armpit hair fast?

Hair growth rate is up to the nature of your body. As long as you eat a healthy diet of protein, carbohydrates, including fruit, and vegetables, at least you will not slow the hair growth.

What is the best product for hair growth for men?

There are different products for hair growth. I have heard Rogain for men works well.

What are the best dietary supplements for hair growth?


Why Kanchiindianoil is best Natural Herbal Hair Growth Oil?

Haven't heard of it. Some of the best natural hair growth oils have jojoba oil and coconut oil.

What fruit or vegetable is good for your hair?

Coconut oil is really the best for hair.

What is the purpose of Alpecin International?

Alpecin is a hair product that prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth. It is a product that is sold internationally which is why the company is Alpecin International.


hair growth

How can one stop black hair growth?

The best way to prevent black hair growth is to get laser hair removal treatment. Laser hair removal treatment targets dark hair follicles and prevents them from regrowing.

What is the purpose of hair on your head?

Help protect Skull and Brain. Also important for hair growth.

What shampoo and conditioner are the best for hair growth?

stallion shampoo and conditioner