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Q: Which is the correct orbital diagram for boron?
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Orbital filling diagram of boron?

Boron has:- 1s2 2s2 2p1

How many orbital shells do boron have?

Boron has 2 shells altogether. 2 electrons on the first one and the remaining three on the second. Altogether boron (B) has 5 electrons.

What is orbital notation of B?

Electronic configuration of boron: [He]2s2.2p1.

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Why boron has a lower first-ionization energy than beryllium?

Because in Boron there is a complete 2s orbital and the increased shielding of the 2s orbital reduces the ionisation energy compared to that seen in Beryllium.

What is the Electron Orbital Pattern of boron?

1s2 2s2 3p4 3d1

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What is a molecular orbital diagram?

An orbital diagram is used to show how the orbitals of a subshell areoccupied by electrons. The two spin projections are given by arrowspointing up (ms =+1/2) and down (ms = -1/2). Thus, electronicconfiguration 1s22s22p1 corresponds to the orbital diagram:

How does an orbital diagram to show the electron configuration for a neutral magnesium atom look?

The orbital diagram for MAgnesium is

What is boron's bohr digram?

Boron has 5 electrons and protons. Its Bohr diagram link is added in the related links.

Can a stable atom have an orbital which has three electrons?

Yes, if the orbital is the outermost one that includes the valence electrons. Aluminum, for example, is such an atom, as is boron.

In boron haildes why BCl3 is weakest Lewis acid but BI3 is a strongest Lewis acid?

Boron is sp2 hybridised with an empty p orbital. Both chlorine and iodine have lone electron pairs of suitable symmetry to form a partial pi bond with the empty orbital of boron. This partial pi bond effect is stronger and more significant in BCl3 because there is a better energy match between the empty p of boron (LUMO) and the lone pairs of Cl (HOMO) than between boron p and the lone pairs of iodine. As a Lewis acid, boron takes an electron pair into its empty p orbital. In BCl3, the significant pi bond means that this p orbital is less electron deficient and therefore hinders the ability of the p orbital to accept an electron pair, so it is a weaker acid than BI3. Maybe consult a textbook or website for a picture to help you visualise Boron in sp2 hybridised state.