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to exhale intercostal muscles relax so the rib cage moves downwards and inwards. the diaphragm relaxes and moves upward into a dome shape this decreases the volume of the chest so the pressure increases and air rushes out to balance the pressure

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8y ago

1) The diaphragm contracts

2) External inter coastal muscles contract--- raise the rib cage

3) Thoratic cavity and lungs expand causing pressure inside the lungs and aleoil to drop

4) Air the rushes in the lungs

Pathway of the Air = Nasal Cavity ---> Pharynx -----> Glottis -----> Larynx ----> Bronchi ----> bronchioles -----> alveoli

5) Oxygen diffuses across the alveolar membrane into the pulmonary capillaries

*** remember air inside the lungs must be lower than that of the external atmosphere .. air flows from high to low .

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Q: Which is the correct order of events during inhalation?
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