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Q: Which is the most efficient fuel engine?
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Which vehicle is most likely to be fuel efficient?

A very small vehicle with a small engine is most likely to use less fuel.

What engine capacity is most fuel efficient?

The smaller the engine the less fuel it will use. But then again an engine too small for the application can use more fuel than a larger engine that is appropriate for the application.

Most efficient pick up truck?

In the United States the most fuel efficient pickup truck is the Ford Ranger with a 4 cylinder engine.

Why are SUV most fuel efficient and why?

Many SUV's are not fuel efficient.

What is the difference between a 2.5 and 3.5 Liter engine?

2.5 liter engine is smaller and more fuel efficient. 3.5 liter engine is a strong engine with better acceleration, but is less fuel efficient

What kinds of hybrid engines are the most fuel efficient?

In the United states the Toyota Prius is the most fuel efficient car using a hybrid of electric and fuel in a 4 cyclinder engine allows close to an average of 50 miles to a gallon on any commute.

What is the most fuel efficient motorcycle?

The honda cb 110 is the most fuel efficient motorcycle in it's class

Is indirect injection more fuel efficient?

Yes, the indirect injection is more fuel efficient because it provides stability to the engine.

What are the best priced fuel efficient luxury cars?

When it comes to fuel efficient and luxury cars the best bet is to compare hybrid-engine designs. More and more luxury car companies are now coming out with fuel efficient hybrid-engine designs.

Which is more fuel efficient CRDI or TDI engine?


What is the most dependable fuel efficient car 2014?

The most dependable fuel efficient car of 2014 is the Ford Focus.

Where can I buy the most fuel efficient SUV?

The 2012 Mitsubishi is one of the most fuel efficient SUVs in the market. It has 112 MPG and is very fuel efficient. I recommend the 2012 Mitsubishi for your needs.