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It's called the epiglottis. It closes over the bronchial tube (which leads to the lungs) to prevent food being inhaled instead of swallowed.

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Q: Which is the name of the small flap of tissue that seals your trachea after swallowing?
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What is the small flap that seals of the trachea called?

This smalflap of tissue is known as the epiglottis. It blocks the trachea (windpipe) during the swallowing of food andliquids.

The flap that covers the trachea?

the small flap is called the Epiglottis :)

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Can an adult have a small trachea?

Yes, an adult can have a small trachea.

What is the epigtottis?

pretty sure you mean epiglottis and an epiglottis is the small flap of elastic cartilage that prevents liquid or solids from going down your trachea, and allow them to go down your esophagous to your stomach. when you swallow, your epiglottis seals off the entry to your trachea.

What is bronchoncopy?

A proceedure where a small scope is inserted down the trachea, and into the lung(s) to diagnose problems. Tissue samples of the lungs can be extracted as well.

Compare and contrast pharynx and trachea?

its that the pharynx is big while the trachea is small :-)

How would you compare and contrast the pharynx and the trachea?

its that pharynx is big and while trachea is small

What should a person expect if their epiglottis isn't working?

A person should expect to have difficulty swallowing if their epiglottis isn't working. The epiglottis is a small flap of tissue that is found at the back of the throat.

What keeps trachea opened?

What keeps the trachea open are small cartilage ring, called cricoid cartilage.

What are small air passages that extend from the trachea?


Most insects have small holes in the exoskeleton called?

Most insects have small holes in the exoskeleton that is called the trachea. Oxygen is delivered directly to the insects tissues via the trachea.