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Q: Which is the only bird which hunt by sense of smell?
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What bird hunts by smell?

Turkey vulture. Their nostril are so developed that they make a hole right through the beak. Incorrect, the Turkey Vulture does not hunt, it scavenges off carion. The Kiwi Bird is the only bird to actually HUNT using their sense of smell. There are three groups of birds that feed using smell to locate food... Kiwis, whose eyesight is so poor they use smell to locate worms Tubeforms (Albatross and Petrels) who use oil slicks from oily fish to find schools of fish Vultures which don't often attack healthy animals, but to say they only hunt carrion is not quite true.

What sense do tiger use?

Tigers use eye sight, smell and hearing, not only to hunt, but to avoid danger (usually from humans).

Does your sense of smell function when the air temperature is below freezing?

Yes. The freezing point is only for water. It has nothing to do with smell. Polar bears hunt through smell in temperatures well below freezing.

Are there smells that repel birds?

The only bird that can smell is the turkey vulture - the world's #1 smeller! It can smell dead meat from 5kms away! Other birds have no sense of smell which is why they can be sprayed by a skunk and not care.

What bird has the only smell-sniffing nose in the avian world?

All birds have olfactory nerves so can smell at least some, but the one known to have a well-developed sense of smell is the turkey vulture.

Is the only sense in which signals can reach the cerebral cortex without passing first through the thalamus?

The sense of smell can bypass the thalamus, it is only secondarily sent through it when you are analyzing or comparing it to other smells.

Which dog has a better sense of smell a beagle or a German shepherd?

Beagles have a better sense of smell than a German shepherd. Beagles have the second best sense of smell out of all the dog breeds. The only dog with a better sense of smell than a beagle is a blood hound.

Which animal has a best sense of smell between moth and cat?

The dog has the best sense of smell.

How many miles away can a guinea pig smell?

Their sense of smell is good but they can only smell things about 20 to 30 feet away.

What other sense is a friend of the tongue?

smell taste is actually quite a rudimentary sense, only capable of five distinctions while smell is up in the thirties.

Why do mice smell?

Well, do not know if you are asking if mice have the sense of smell or that they put out an odor. First, mice have a very good sense of smell second, mice will only put out an odor that people can smell if their cage is not kept really clean.

Why is fox able to hunt at night?

The fox is a amazing creature of God. this animal has an amazing smell and can sense alot of different things. but the fox isint lion size, so it can only hunt little things. So it seems easier for a fox to hunt at night when all the smaller animals come out. Thanks for the good question! :)