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most plants. remember, plants are organisms,too.

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unicellular cell

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Q: Which is the organisim that is capable of sinthesize its own food?
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An organisim that makes its own food?


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Are organisms in kingdom protista capable of producing their own food?

Yes and no.

What cannot make its own food?

An organism that is not capable of making its own food must consume another organism for energy. They are termed heterotrophs.

What organism cannot makes its own food?

An organism that is not capable of making its own food must consume another organism for energy. They are termed heterotrophs.

Does a balsam make its own food?

Balsam is an autotrophic plant. It is capable of making its own food by photosynthesis.

What is an important quality of protocells?

Protocells are autotrophic. This means they are capable of synthesizing their own food.

What makes plants capable of making their own food?

Presence of the photocatalyst i.e. chlorophyll.