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Cherrapunji, in India

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Q: Which is the place with highest rainfall in earth and in which continent it is located?
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What is the earth's highest and coldest and driest continent?

The Earth's highest, coldest, and driest continent is Antarctica.

Highest continent on earth?


On which continent is the Antarctic Desert located?

There are no countries on the Antarctic continent. It is governed by the Antarctic Treaty.

Is Antarctica the most mountainous continent?

Antarctica is the highest continent given its size and average elevation.

Does Antarctica have a plentiful rainfall?

No. Antarctica is the driest continent on earth, with humidity around five percent.

What continent has the earth's highest peak?

Mount Everest is in Asia.

How many world records does antarctica have?

Antarctica is the highest, darkest, driest, coldest and windiest continent on earth.

Is Antarctica a flat continent?

Ninety-eight percent of Antarctica -- the highest continent on earth -- is covered with an ice sheet. You may be thinking of the flat polar plateau, which is the longest sight-line on earth to the horizon -- about eight miles. Under the ice, Antarctica is very mountainous.

What terms best describe Antarctica?

Antarctica is the highest, driest, windiest, coldest, darkest, iciest continent on earth.

What are facts about the continent of Antarctica?

Antarctica is the highest, driest, windiest, darkest, coldest, iciest continent on earth.

Where on earth has the highest population density?

Monaco, a small city-state on the French Riviera, has the highest population density in the world, with around 26,150 people per square kilometer. Its limited size and popularity as a luxury destination contribute to its dense population.

What is a fact about Antarctica starting with H?

Antarctica is the highest continent on earth.